...for the month of April, anyway. It's been a crazy couple of months.
The great news last night was that some Judge ruled for the NFL players over the owners, and forbade a lockout. Of course, the owners are appealing and seeking a stay of the lower Court Judge's decision pending that appeal. So, nothing much changes.
But, there's sooo much I haven't written about....how about some quick hits? That sounds just lazy enough to appealing to me. And, if this sporadic blog is proving anything, it's that I'm lazy.
Donald Trump: is 3 years too late. OK, I'm frightened by how much he made sense to me in his first dew interviews. But, let us think a moment. Is he saying (in an odd, left-handed way) that Senator McCain and the RNC were too lazy, dumb, ignorant, or cheap to ATTEMPT to dig up this dirt on the now-President Obama in 2008? I can't tell. BUT, that said, why doesn't Mr. Obama simply offer the documents Trump keeps crowing about to any camera that will listen? Why not? I suppose that any reply by the White House would make Trump's day - and who wants to do that?
Not sure Trump would be a horrible President. We elected an actor once, so what the hell?
The Fukushima Reactor: nuclear power might sound great, but it sounds less great in my back yard. Next question. Besides, with the Royal Wedding this week, it seems like everyone's forgotten about it.
The Royal Wedding: don't give a sh&t, next. Oh, but test them both for hemophilia.
The Passion story: if you're Catholic like me you know the story of Jesus' brutal death at the hands of the Romans and Jews in Jerusalem, and if you go to Mass you more than likely hear the extended reading of what's called "The Passion" (yes, there's a movie, too). I guess I'm like everyone else, I find the story sad and miserable. But as I've aged I see a power in it that I didn't notice before. It's one of few times in the New Testament where Jesus exhibits very human tendencies ("let this cup pass", for example). Additionally, Jesus' teachings were all about sublimating the ego for the benefit of all - and he lived that teaching until his death.
Plus, it also reminds those of us who are death penalty advocates that the State can and will put innocent people to death. The mobs in the Bible story were as certain of Jesus' guilt as any of today's. To believe in the righteousness of dealing death is to believe in a very seductive evil.
Easter: ours was good, hope yours was too. And on the 3rd day I might come down from eating all this friggin' candy...
Hockey: There were some amazing games Saturday, where the hometown Capitals finally closed out a series early against the tough NY Rangers and the Boston Bruins drilled Montreal. Plus, for you left-coasters, the Chicago-Vancouver series is blowing up. Playoff hockey is the single most amazing spectator sport - I shall once more ascend upon my soapbox and exhort any and all who read this to tune in and check out its'.......awesomeness.
...as for my continued and very very amateurish hockey "career," my dislocated shoulder still needs to heal. Dammit.
Budgets: when last I wrote on this here blog-thingie I worried quite openly about the Dummies on Capitol Hill doing Their Jobs. They did, and therefore I love them all - they're just darling people. You hate them only because you don't know them.
that's all from here, it's time to meditate, ohm