A far more famous and humorous fellow listened to Ben Roethlisberger's legally-prepared statement that he read last week to his adoring public and called him "dufus, the QB." With all due respect to Mr. Don Geronimo (who was and is one of my heroes), the guy's a douche.
No Steeler hate, here. I loved .... LOVED ... Terry Bradshaw and could not stop nodding my head when the Blonde Bomber's quote to the press was played on ESPN (if you missed it, Bradshaw said the two Steeler QBs didn't care much for each other and that Ben was an idiot and needed to straighten his life out). Not a Steeler lover, either.
Leave the football out of it for a moment. The accusations surrounding this guy are nothing new in similar situations. You go to bars, college parties, whatever, these types of things happen. And I guess most of us just look the other way and blame alcohol. Put the NFL back into it, and we all say that the gal's a gold-digger or was lucky for his attentions; OR that he should've known better than to have put himself in that position, that he had too much at stake to risk being so stupid.
What happened on that night in Georgia? Only he knows. She was apparently blacking out and unable to recall the facts in enough detail to assuage the Georgia prosecutor's "gut." All of which says to me that this NFL quarterback - this famous son of Ohio - is a douchebag.
There are plenty of guys who'd have escorted a seriously drunk woman back to her friends and not even consider sexual contact. Plenty more might've considered it and thought the better of it. More still might wrestle with the ethical and moral dilemmas and still do the right thing. There's a scene in "Austin Powers" where Elizabeth Hurley is coming on to him when she's drunk and Austin refuses her saying "you're drunk, darling, it's just not right."
Then there's this guy. He helped a drunk gal get more drunk and then did what he wanted. The worst sort of guy, the little prick who isn't handsome or personable enough to get the gals when sober - nope - he needs 'em drunk and disoriented. He's the bottom-feeder, the lowest form of life. The opportunist.
Famous guy, probably could have a girlfriend any night of the week. But instead, does this kind of stuff. Seriously? What the hell? Tom Brady has a sullied reputation for being a "baby daddy" but as far as we know he didn't need to find easy targets at bars and nightclubs. Peyton Manning? I don't think so.
And that's what she was, an easy target for this big shot and all his swagger. Wow. What a guy.
Douchebag. Ben, you are a douchebag. Might be a nice guy off the field, kinda doubt it, and kinda doubt that you care what I think.
So the case is not filed and no crime will be prosecuted. His prepared statement apologized to everyone under God's yellow sun except the victim of his assault, his target, his easy score. He had no words for her. In fact, his refusal to have ANY shows his contempt for her and women like her - apparently what he's not saying is that he thinks she got what she deserved.
Nice guy. Would an "I'm sorry for the pain I've caused all parties in this sorry affair" have been so difficult? Sure, it's a possible admission of guilt, but words to that effect could have been carefully prepared for Ben Rapist to read (he can, apparently, read OK).
I'm ordering a Steelers #7 shirt and having the word "RAPIST" stitched on the back. I want him to sign it for me....how much you wanna bet I get a broken nose for my trouble?
God forbid the guy ever have daughters, wanna bet his opinion changes overnight? Or have something like this happen to a friend. Drunk or not, events like this devastate people, and the ripple effects can be massive.
Enjoy the life for now, ass. Karma is a wheel, that goes round and round.
Oh, the rumor is 4 games. Nah. I'd have him miss a season. Sounds harsh, I know, but he's a QB for the big leagues and barely missed being charged with a felony. They say that the QB should be held to a higher standard - well - there's the standard. Mike Vick hurt dogs. This guy hurts people (and there's been more than one...you, me, and the fencepost know this). I like dogs just fine but they're dogs ("chattels" under the law, property). If Vick's crimes were despicable Big Ben's have been no less so.
But I'm betting 4 games. They've got officially-licensed jerseys and booze to sell, ya know.
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