Well, here's my great tragedy: I had an MRI on the 16th of March and got the news from the doc yesterday......that it all looks pretty good BUT 'm under orders to avoid contact sports (like ice hockey) for another 4-6 weeks. Dammit.
You'd think I would be happy. The doc mentioned that if I were 20 years old I'd require surgery...at 60 years they'd rule it out completely...but at 40 years (well, almost) that I could flip a coin. According to him it's one of the few times that it's a good thing to be 40.
Then there's the hockey thing. It's playoff time, and to miss out on all the fun just sucks. Plus, when you play, you've gotta pay. So, there's the hit that your wallet takes...that sucks, too.
All told, however, I've got good range of motion and strength in the arm and am busily re-habbing it after my doctor's OK. I'd like to thank my Wife for running me to the hospital, my Mom for driving me to the doc's a few weeks back, and everyone who took a few minutes to wish me well.
It's not like I had time to lay around and heal. I had to skate with my kid's team in a skills competition 5 days after the injury. And we have had a youth sports EXTRAVAGANZA here, what with multiple hockey tournaments and tee ball and clinics and blah blah blah. It never ends.
Well, as Jesse Ventura said in "Predator," "I aint got time to bleed."
And my little blog has been withering on the vine, here. I've been a child-taxi, part-time worker, and general Mr-Fixit. There's little time to organize one rational thought let alone string multiple sentences together in a cogent manner.
As a great writer once said, repeatedly, so it goes