Great. So much for Government class. Am I going somewhere with this?
Here's the deal. The problem. The Straight Dope.
Does it matter?
Really? Couldn't we simply just skip the exercise? Especially now? We've got a majority party in Congress that rises and applauds their guy when he tosses them red meat, whilst the minority sits on their hands. And mostly, that's how it goes. And has gone, for years.
Full disclosure, I voted for Obama. I lean to the political left. But I also voted for George H.W. Bush and Robert Dole instead of Mr. Clinton. I am against abortion, it's murder. I am for expanding healthcare, it's morally right. I am against gay marriage. I am for civil unions. I am against creating more and more debt. I am for finding a way to create jobs in this country for the people who live and work here - and if the Fed can help, so be it. I won't pretend to understand any of the proposed solutions.
Again, as the song goes, "so F-in what?"
Just wanted to briefly sum up my biases.
I think that if Mr. Obama had spoken last night, and spouted the ENTIRE Republican line, the governor of Virginia and the talking heads on the right would've denounced nearly every word he said. He didn't do that, of course. By comparison, had a Republican President spouted the Democrats' party line, the Democrats would've condemned in just the same manner.
The system rewards doing nothing. And, it's done so for years. There is no trust between the people who run our government. And we, the electorate, place no pressure whatsoever upon these elected officials to actually accomplish anything. We shirk the responsibilities of self-government and boil them down to sound bites and opinion talk shows. We reward and seemingly admire men and women who are "firm and resolute" in their opinions, while forgetting the adage that "he (or she) who knows nothing, doubts nothing." The system is geared towards what, nearly 20 years ago, was called "the constant campaign." Clinton tried and failed with healthcare. Bush tried and failed with Social Security. Obama is trying now with several issues.
In order to actually work, the system requires bravery, and trust. It is far too easy for me to sit behind my little Mac keyboard and babble about how things should be, like somehow I'd be the virtuous Mr. Smith. I don't begin to comprehend the pressure these elected folks are under. To some extent, every one of them is wealthy, and every one is bought and paid for by some special interest. In such a situation, intellectual independence is nearly nonexistent. The politician must take the money to get elected. And, once elected, they must re-pay their benefactors. If you lie down with dogs, you catch fleas.
Anyway, I did like one theme that the President touched upon, and that was America leading the world. In order to do that, we the people must look past red and blue states and find some common ground. Common ground does not mean "caving," it simply means forging agreements. As odious as some may find it, cutting a deal is what a coalition government is all about. If you'd prefer imposing your will, perhaps you'd like to vote for an Emperor, a Pharaoh, or some other such big-high falutin' muckety muck. Lemme know who it works out.
Stay safe out there.