Enjoy, if you choose.
Onward. I think we've just about achieved resolution fulfillment here. The boy has been accident-free for about two weeks now, and only wears pull-ups when he sleeps. I've nearly relaxed enough to want to think about declaring him "the T word" .....but perhaps not just yet. He is only 3, after all. But progress is encouraging.
Sadly, not all here is progress, as I'm ballooning. Fatass is now 15 pounds up from a low last seen in early December - which establishes a direct and irrefutable causal connection between my holiday enjoyment of food and the amount of lard accumulating on my gut. So, back to rabbit food. I can keep up the exercise without too much difficulty. Eating? Fat and grease are apparently my heroin. Sugar, too. Thanks for the cookies and candies, a-holes. Merry Xmas!
Speaking of a-holes, I am the family energy Nazi. This probably finds its' genesis in the fact that I pay the bills at this house and a $400 power bill makes me yearn for whale oil and gaslights. I'm the jerk who turns off every light and delivers withering looks when someone dares to look at the thermostat. Put on a sweater! Get a coat! Burn some furniture!
Anyway, I'm probably the A-Hole. Most who know me would agree.
As the title to this entry demonstrates, I'm thinking of the heart and the head. For me, they almost never work in unison - thus explaining my crazy life. Or, in the parlance of Senor Chang, mi vida loca. I run hot and cold.
As I spent Sunday watching the NFL games, I vascillated wildly. Not so much in the early Colts-Jets game. I mean, who expected a game at all? It was mildly surprising and left me hopeful that the non-Manning lovers out here could be spared a two-week jerking off of Peyton and his family. 'Twas not to be. Again, I reiterate praise for the toughness of Dirty Sanchez and his Jets(which is painful because- to a Patriot fan- the Jets are The Enemy).
Game 2 offered the Favre/Saints dilemna. For me, I had no dog in the race so...why not watch the made-for-Syfy movie instead of football? Because I'm a dummy, that's why. I kinda believe that the Vikings were the better football team last Sunday, except that the entire ballhandling (hee hee!) corps for Minnie-ha-ha decided to grease their palms (that's what she said) and dropped anything resembling a football-shaped object. Favre was a real warrior, though, and absorbed some wince-inducing hits. As for the Saints, they did well enough to win. Brees took some shots, too. I was pulling for the old man. Watching him sit on the sideline, gray of beard and clenched of jaw, you could tell the old lion was pondering whether or not he'd roared his last. We'll see (ugh, this crap again).
So there's one more ballgame, and then I'll not mention football again in this blog till....April? I like the Saints and the whole N'Orleans story (I just took my younger daughter and Jack to see "The Princess Frog" and liked it, screw off - I'm only, like, 5% gay), but it's hard to argue against the Colts. The heart says Saints, the head says Colts. Except that the heart can fool the brain by arguing "Hey, Gregg Williams is a fine defensive coach and could conjure up some voodoo thingie to mess with Asshat Manning's robot brain and steal a win." Or, the heart could say "Indy's defense is swiss cheese."
I think that the Saints could steal a win with old-fashioned NFC East ball control and excellent defense. It's an outdoor game. I also think that the Indy defense could conceivably show up big and shut down the Saints offense and end the game by halftime. What is the sound of 50 million plasma TV's clicking off?
Heart says Saints, brain says Colts.
Someday I'll get to Obama, partisan baloney, and why I'm registering Independent.
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