It won't last. Setbacks are likely, but I'm hopeful.
Saturday saw the 3rd annual Baltimore Piranhas (rescheduled) winter classic, which was held last weekend instead of in December due to snow. I'd been fortunate enough to have been placed on the teams that won the previous two years, and this year was no different. My teammates were far more skilled than I, and we managed to win another trophy. In between games, I was able to catch some of the NFL playoffs, drink beer, and eat a little. Additionally, my brother and his family from NC were up, and I hear they had a nice time - I didn't have much time to visit.
Peyton Manning is a little bitch.
There, I said it.
I dislike this guy, but not his team. Obviously, the Colts are the class of the NFL right now, and only lost games because they allowed it to happen. We'll see on Sunday. What I HATED about watching the Cleveland Browns/Baltimore Colts matchup Saturday night was how he was dumping the ball off for 4 yard passes to avoid the rush. Meanwhile, guys with guts were hanging in the pocket and risking their lives to push the ball downfield (see: Sanchez, Marc; Rivers, Phillip; and (yes) Romo, Tony).
Instead, Peyton dinked and dunked the Browns/Ravens to death. Made for boring football.
Didn't have the chance to see the Saints game, probably wasn't worth my time anyway.
Back to courage. I think it takes a ton of courage to hold the football and wait for the open receiver, knowing you're gonna get hit hard by a man who wants to hurt you. I've seen Favre do it. Brady, too. And all the other QBs I've mentioned who played this weekend. Manning? Looked like he was afraid to get his skirt dirty.
Anyway, that's today's NFL. People apparently like the Mannings, and passing.
Sad to say, I kinda like NY Jets football this year. But, as a Patriot fan, this is heresy. Whatever, burn me at the stake. The Jets are shutting down good offenses (well, one good one - Norv, why did you go so conservative on Sunday?) and crushing defenses with the run. I like that.
My kids are all excited about the Saints, as my wife's dad is related to the Shockey family. This means a-hole Jeremy Shockey is their 3rd cousin.
Great. Whatever. Not on my side of the tree.
Anyway, Sunday's games look good on paper but will only be good in practice if the respective defenses show up. Can the Jets hang in? Yeah, if they play "keep away." The Colts? Well, duh. In the NFC it could go either way, Minnesota's defense is better up front but the game is in the Big Easy.
I care not. Just let 'em be good games.
Oh, and it was great to watch the Cowboys lose. I hate the team, but I don't hate Tony Romo.
In case you missed it, there was also some great hockey on in DC this weekend, with the Capitals destroying the Flyers on Sunday. You probably didn't watch. Hockey is SO much better than football, but a Sunday afternoon regular season game isn't as riveting as the NFL's divisional playoffs. Someday I'll babble about how much better hockey is than football. But no one will care.
.....and Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh should go and do some work in Haiti - personally. Those two shit stains deserve a month in some prison camp. Or something like that. To open their rather large mouths and vomit out such quasi-hateful garbage a mere matter of days after the devestation there.....makes you wonder.
However, to see people on both sides of the ideological spectrum set this mock-political crap aside and condemn these two fellows statements...well, it gives me hope that all reason has not left the U.S.A.
God bless the folks who are giving up their sweat and blood to help those in need. Come home safe and do good work. It's lame of me to say, as all excuses are lame, but if my kids were older perhaps I'd be lifting boxes of food with 'em.
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