I'll let the readers (assuming there are any) pick out your blogger in the above photo. "Where's Bob?" Fun game, right? It's fun to have fun, yes?
So, over 2 weeks ago my BFU travelled South to Virginia Beach to enjoy the tremendous blessing that is a family beach house. It had been my grandmother's in her lifetime, and is now the sole property of my Dad, who shares it remarkably well for having been an only child.
Good start: the normal 5 hour drive took 12 hours. Uh-oh. We did have a chance to visit our pals The Gaskins of Ashland, Virginia, and they all seem healthy, wealthy, and wise. Hi, Edwin and Amy, and thanks for the chicken salad. This respite from the veritable Hell of Saturday traffic on I-95 was a great morale boost. But still, 12 hours on the road sucks.
I guess most of the 1st week was spent on the beach. We went surfing a few mornings and then swimming in the afternoons. It was a lazy week. Rain chased us up to Williamsburg one afternoon, which was a nice change of scenery. Friday brought more surfing, but somehow my wife bashed her foot up so badly it necessitated an ER trip. There was nothing broken but the bruising was bad.
By the weekend I'd developed an ear infection that took 2 trips to the Patient First clinic down there to clear up. It sucks to get old, I guess, as our kids had no health problems whatsoever.
Since it's a family house, it's always a place that needs work and this trip was no different. I cleaned out alot of old junk (there's still alot more) and got a plumber to fix some long-standing failed Mr. Fixit jobs (the toilet). The coup de grace was my great idea to have the outdoor drain cleared, which went from a 1 hour job to...well, no one knows exactly how many hours....that wasn't a fun day.
My in-laws booked a nearby hotel and visited, which was nice. We went to "Motorworld." Ate soft-serve and caramel corn, and - if you're ever there - the best fish tacos are at the Baja Cantina on 23rd street.
In between all that "stuff" I hope we all de-compressed. It's hard to say, because it seemed like every day had it's drama. One day it'd be injury, then illness, then the plumbing disaster, and EVERY day there was some inane argument about....Lord knows what. But we all survived and are home, tanned, and ready for school to start.
The end of the trip saw us hitting the East Coast Surfing Championships down at 1st street. This has always been a pretty cool event, but this year it was re-named (with a corporate name I won't bother printing here) and they'd set up about 50 booths for free giveaways.
This led to a throng, a massive, sweaty throng, of teenagers and hoarders descending upon the beach to grab free stuff from companies involved in the surfing "industry" (ie- Roxy, Hurley, etc etc). Of course we went. The crowd was mostly high school kids and the lines were long, hot, and somewhat unruly. Bikini-clad girls were getting logos stamped or spray-painted on their bodies. Everywhere you looked there were "cool" corporate logos, and tricked-out company reps passing out stickers and swag.
It seemed like something of a joke, these girls lining up to get corporate logos pasted on their bodies. No sillier than planting stickers on your truck (like me) guess.
Anyway, we got our free sh*t, too. And I managed to catch a few waves and get 2 whole feet on the board. Yes, I fell fairly soon thereafter (as in "immediatly"), but it was lotsa fun.
More importantly, my kids had a blast out there with me.
And, as we slide back into the routine back home, I think all of us enjoyed the hell out of our trip
Don't forget the very brief moment when we were both able to get out on our boards at the same time. Too bad I had to screw it up by bashing up my foot.