Whoops, guess this sign was wrong, I lived to see my 21st birthday in 1992.
There's a fella on this here Inter-Web-Thingie who's claiming that the End of All Things is at hand, apparently set to begin on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 6pm. Now, the reasonable person can reason that because 6pm on May 21st will occur in Australia prior to (say) 6pm in New York City, that we here in the USA will have at least some warning of the coming catastrophe.
Which is very unfortunate for the Australians, the New Zealanders, and those living in Papua New Guinea. I mean, you're having dinner watching the kangaroos hop around the outback and putting shrimp on your barbie and..........what happens? I suppose, if the fellow is correct, nothing good.
Religious types can talk all they like about doing good works and bringing about a more peaceful and happy world, but what really gets folks in the pews is a good Apocalypse full of fire and brimstone. That really gets people's attention, a good story about mass-killing wherein the wicked shall meet a fiery and painful end and the righteous shall be lifted away from the carnage because....well because they were good, that's why.
As always, it appeals to the simple. I'm no theologian but I seem to recall something about us little-brains not needing to know the day or the hour - - just know that it'll happen, and be ready for that.
Good, old-fashioned fear. Nothing like it to motivate folks to act like a bunch of knuckleheads.
Off the cuff, here, I've seen movies or TV shows about meteors, asteroids, weather-related disasters, earthquakes, nuclear holocausts, alien invasions, and zombie apocalypses......it seems pretty evident that there's a market for entertainment relating to the extinction of the human race - or, at the very least - the final act in mankind's devolution. The death of civilization, a return to the Garden, a restoration of our place a little lower down on the food chain. This stuff sells tickets, right?
(and here I must toss in my own sheepish admission that I enjoyed "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy and watched all of George Romero's zombie flicks. And "The Walking Dead" is a pretty great TV show but the schedule sucks...who has a 6-episode season? )
I don't mean to suggest that the world will not end this-coming Saturday, either. Of course it could. Maybe Friday, instead. I think, if and when it ends, it's not really for any of us to say. I'll probably either be working or helping to coach my son's tee-ball team. Maybe you'll be at the mall, or enjoying time off from work at your own domicile. Heck, what else would we be doing on a Saturday afternoon in May? But I'm pretty certain that hoarding of canned goods and bottled water won't do a whole hell of a lot to prevent Armageddon - in whatever form it decides to take.
And, if I'm wrong about all this and they're right.....'bye
I've gotta put a coda here to close out the Last Ride of Roscoe, our beagle who was somewhat memorably taken off to the Humane Society earlier this year.....I've been very busy of late and keep making a mental note to add this to the blog and have continuously forgotten to do so.
Some weeks ago I got a call from a family who had adopted the little bastard. The nice lady called to let me know so that I could let the kids know that their dog was OK. He's now living with another beagle in Baltimore County and is pleased as a pig in sh&t. This nice lady also asked me how much I'd house-trained him........I admitted that I had tried but that I could have tried harder. I guess. My advice: buy a mop.
So, for the few people who asked....Roscoe the Peeing Doggie is just fine and dandy. And I don't have to clean up after him any longer. A win-win.
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