Usama bin-Laden was shot and killed sometime in the past 24 hours by brave U.S. Navy Seals, and his passing has left the world none the poorer. A violent man met a violent end, as they are more often than not wont to do. Emphasis may be placed on the fact that this particular man rained misery down upon many of his fellow human beings. At some point, I'm willing to bet that Mr. bin-Laden was given a choice between surrender and death --- something none of his victims were given. He availed himself of the path of least resistance.
I can't blame the SEAL who shot the man, bin-Laden was most likely (I wasn't there) armed and dangerous. But simply because a killing is "justifiable" by way of self-defense does not mean that the killing of Usama bin-Laden was "justice."
To believe that is to pervert the word, and the virtue behind it. You don't know what I'm driving at here? Read "The Republic." Take a 100-level philosophy course. Or read your New Testament. Any one will do.
Mr. bin-Laden, at some point in his life, perverted the message of Islam into a message of suffering, murder, and death. He was instrumental in creating multiple human tragedies in NY City, and around the world. Perhaps the final tragedy is all of the good he could have accomplished with his money, power, and charisma. He was obviously a gifted man, who misused his gifts in service of his zealotry.
And now...this. Americans chanting U-S-A, cheering his death, calling it God's wrath and "justice." The people choosing to react this way look no different than the rabble overseas burning flags.
I am no biblical scholar but I am Catholic. I don't recall - in any of Jesus' teachings - a single endorsement of violence. Not one. To claim that this was God's judgment is a perversion. At every turn Jesus rejected violence and vengeance, even when his murderers were putting hands on him. Period.
I am not blind or immune from an emotional response, that somehow Mr. bin-Laden's death closes the circle for some people - especially those who lost loved ones on September 11th. That was an awful day to be an American, and it's very easy to watch the news reports that show the Twin Towers falling and feel "you know what, the bastard got what he had coming to him." If you're reading this and you suffered a grievous loss on that dark day, I hope that today's news made you feel better.
Others are claiming that this was justice. While I agree that it was a justifiable killing, I cannot see where justice was served here.
What is justice? Again, I'll simply refer to The Republic. It's not simple fairness, or "eye for an eye." Would it have been more "just" to imprison the man? To try him and then execute him? Or to see him live long enough to see his own murderous acts as reprehensible and evil?
Who's to say? If you want easy answers, just trot along with the angry mob - they seem to know a lot.
Did this make the US and its' allies safer? Most certainly not. Terrorists appear to operate like the mythical Hydra, lop off one head and two spring up to take it's place. These guys see easy answers in blaming America for their societal ills. These guys see office buildings as military targets. To truly destroy "terrorism" you would have to destroy thought itself. Good luck with that, but I guess we're on our way if people's behavior is any indication.
Again, I'm Catholic and I have my biases. Death, in all of its' forms, is an anathema.....a black and empty hole that swallows the living. Reject it, there is no joy in death. Mr. bin-Laden will receive justice soon enough, in the only way justice is truly served. Embrace life.
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