When one finds himself with nothing particularly profound to talk about he will generally move to the topics of weather or sports. A few of y'all can tell from the above picture what this will be about, the unwashed and uninitiated won't. Well, try to keep up. I promise it won't be hard.
Pretty great NBA Final this year. Was the word schadenfreude? Nah. I think there was some of that going on, and it certainly goosed the numbers of people watching on TV, but it was more about three guys versus one team. Some years, the 3 guys win. I think it's inevitable. This year, much like the NFL's 2001-2 New England Patriots, (or, yuck, the 2007-8 New Y0rk Giants) the team won.
But let's give Mount James (so named for his rather zaftig ego)and compadres a break: they aren't mass-murderers or wife-beaters here. They're just ballplayers. Not particularly sympathetic ones, but -- y'know - - keep some perspective here in this universe of hyperbole.
Hey, here's a fun note....remember Jason Kidd's wife-beating when he was with the NJ Nets? No? Sports Illustrated apparently gave him a pass because he was 38 years old and fighting for his first-ever championship.
So...while the masses were pulling for an egotistical turncoat to lose, an actual wife-beater won his championship. Sick friggin' world.
I'm a fan of two hockey teams, and I've said this ad nauseam: the Washington Caps and the Boston Bruins. I'd waste time explaining yet again why a central Maryland boy likes a hockey team from Beantown - but instead I've decided that's boring. I've decided instead to embrace Republican-speak, and by that I mean conclusory statements that have absolutely no exposition. In other words, I like the Bruins because I do.
And my Bruins have given hockey fans a Game 7 for the Stanley Cup. Wow.
I saw the Capitals play the Red Wings for the Cup in 1998 and get swept. The Big Bad B's won the Cup in 1970 and 1972, but I was only 1. The B's played for the Cup in 1988 and 1990 and lost to Edmonton both times in 4 and 5 games- and I was a kid without cable so I saw none of those games and had to rely on the morning newspaper to see if they'd won or not.
Well, this is like Nirvana for me, I've waited and hoped to see my team play for all the marbles and 2011 is their year. Should I say "our" year? No, I'm not under contract - just a fan.
This Cup series has been great, in terms of the intensity and the animosity between the 2 teams. I really thought Vancouver was a professional group of hockey players who'd simply skate around the slower Bruins en route to a quick Series. Boy, was I wrong. The Canucks have shown themselves to be a bunch of cheap-shot bitches who take dives to get calls, and whose best players have wilted under pressure.
That said, they're still winning their home games (even if the scores have been tight) and tomorrow night's Game 7 is in Vancouver. The Bruins have played nowhere near as well in Vancouver as they have in Boston.
Tomorrow it's for the whole enchilada. Even if you hate hockey, Game 7 for the Cup -the last hockey game of the 2010-11 season, will be an amazing thing to watch. I'll be the severely balding guy in a Bruins shirt with droplets of sweat on my brow till the clock runs out.
Let's go Bru-ins!
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