Meredith Viera left the Today show yesterday. Boy did that suck or what? Replaced with the simpering Ann Currie. Eh, no thanks, I don't like her "sad voice." I enjoyed NBC's 10-minute "news item" describing how it will be bringing us the Olympics. Boy, that was suuure interesting. I liked Madam Viera, she seemed fun and spunky. "Today" is now a 100% suck-fest. Watch at your own peril.
So like everyone else I get to read about Congressman Anthony Weiner's exploits. And my first thought is "what an unfortunate last name." Very late to the joke party, but there's my joke. I've been very vocal criticizing conservatives for their foibles, and here's a chance to show I'm not totally biased.
Well, first an aside. I can't pass judgment on this guy, or Arnold, or anyone else. I'm not a perfect human being and have made many errant decisions. I lack the standing to judge anyone.
But, on the other hand, what a bunch o' ninnies!
Seriously? Who splatters the Internet with photographs of their........lesser selves? Who thinks they can knock up the maid and walk tall? Or wander out of their hotel's shower and accost the woman making up the room?
Well.....powerful men, apparently. I'm not one of them, therefore I have no true understanding of the burdens these absolute ass-hats carry.
Our public figures are caricatures of the people who vote or buy tickets to the movies or watch their TV shows......we're the ship's fools being captained by jackasses ands navigated by weasels. Bring a life vest.
Last Sunday was the Ascension. As I listened to the readings I wondered if Jesus, having seen people for the lying, stealing, cheating, murderous creeps they are simply told us he'd be back just to be nice. "Uh, well, I really gotta go. There's this card game we're having up in Paradise.......Zeus is coming over with the kids.....see ya soon!"
It's not as dumb as sending photographs to youngsters (who may or may not have wanted to see them), but Mrs. Palin's comments on Paul Revere's ride were funny. Duh. I think schools in Idaho must be a little bit more forgiving. What sucks about HER is that she cannot simply come out and say "oops! I got this wrong and I'm sorry." No.....her response was simply to insist that it was right. Double-duh. This sort of person is fine, a harmless type who likes the sound of her own voice (and there are LOTS of guys like this....I might be one of 'em). But in neither case (me, and her) should this type of person become President of the United States.
So, back to the Weiner. Snicker all you want. What a dumbass. So a 47-year old newly-married soon-to-be-father-for-the-first-time is having "contact over the Internet" with a group of young women who all seem to range in age from 20-25. No, I'm not wasting my efforts fact-checking. I'm only spitballing here but I've gotta figure that some of this mess was caused by the age gap. He was in high school back in....1980? Things have changed a little since then, pal, and so have the ladies.
Can you imagine the texts? Cindy-Lou's cell phone lights up and she gathers her friends around to show them all what the creepy Congressman sent? OR....much more likely...she simply hits her "send to all Contacts" link on her smartphone and broadcasts it.
And he - the 47-yr old Congressman - has no clue that this could ever happen??
A lot has been written and said about men in power lately. In most cases, these guys are getting older and looking for younger women - which perhaps says something disparaging about older women OR something disparaging about the men themselves. I presume that these men aren't seeking out nubile ladies for extensive discussions on nuclear proliferation policy, or the like.
The universal thread that seems to run through all of the "bad behavior" stories that we've heard is that these guys thought they'd get away with it. Why? Because they're accustomed to it.
Oops. another paradigm shift. Sorry fellas.
Then there's former Ohio State coach Jim Tressel, a guy who apparently "reads the Bible with his coaches in the morning" and then "cheats kids who'd saved up money from mowing lawns" (this over a raffle ticket sale at OSU kids summer camps). His crime? Turning a blind eye toward alleged NCAA violations, college kids getting money, cars, and deals from university boosters.
I'm torn. These kids usually have little more than their own God-given talent. In one sense, they seem to live like thoroughbred race-horses their entire lives, pampered and prodded and exercised to the fullest extent of human endurance. They're praised if things go well and they're radioactive when things don't go well. So Tressel let them have some money, some cars, and some fun. Yes, it's preferential and unfair to the student body as a whole.
Here's my problem with it....I think Tressel's simply the public fall guy. Am I to believe that the Dean and Presidents and Board of OSU is too stupid and ignorant to notice what is occurring on their own campus? That no one noticed that only the OSU football players were so well-cared-for? Nah. He's the fall guy in an unfair system. The kids play, the coach coaches (and gets paid an ample salary), and the university makes money hand-over-fist in tuition and OSU gear.
Enough. I've abused the dash (-) in this blog and must do my penance by re-reading 9th grade grammar texts. Enjoy Menudo.
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