Ok, I can buy his notion. Who among us has ever had experience as a President prior to the moment he (perhaps someday "she") has taken office? We haven't yet re-elected George H.W. Bush or Jimmy Carter - those 2 fellows would have prior on-the-job experience....but besides the shining example of Pres. Grover Cleveland I can't think of anyone who fits that bill.
My point being......why would the President or his aides bother with the denials? So you weren't the best executive right off the bat. Given the problems that the country was experiencing upon his January 2009 inauguration, even Christ himself would've had some difficulty. We elect these guys and somehow expect....what? That the fella has a magic bullet to make it all better? Absolute tripe. And, in a ridiculous sideshow, this White House (like many before it) is going to waste their efforts to tamp down negative stories.
Here's a thought, embrace your humanity. "Of course," they could say, "the new President had never been President before and there was a learning curve. Some growing pains, if you will. He's improved over the course of his 2 and 3/4 years on the job and will continue to do so as long as the American people see fit to have him as their President."
Why is it such a faux pas to admit one's foibles? The Obama administration is hardly the first. Mr. Suskind himself refused to admit that several errors (pointed out by error-prone Anne Currie) were indeed errors. Michele Bachman, as of this moment still a wingnut candidate for President of the Loonies, has made multiple gaffes on the campaign trail - yet in every story and at every turn she has refused to simply say "Yeah, I goofed on that. My bad." Sarah Palin made Tina Fey even more famous with her high-profile gaffes.
What's wrong with saying you've been wrong? Are apologies viewed as weakness? Do we the people expect omnipotence and perfection from our elected leaders? If so, I don't get that. We elect human beings. We don't elect pharaohs, ruling divinities, or theocracies here. The day we do is the day I move to another country because the results can only be madness.
So, Mr. Obama, shut your minions up. You're learning on the job. There's an entire party out there who's not going to vote for you even if you were crapping out gold bullion for the Treasury and cured cancer, forget them. Leave the false displays of power for the fools who would make them, admit you're just a guy trying his best to do a good job. And move on from there.
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