Of course the game's final play will be pointed out as typical Rex Grossman, and his career thus far demands that type of judgment. I will point out in his defense that his right tackle, center, and left guard completely did an "ole!" on the Cowboy d-line and Rex is slower of foot than, say, John Beck......
Yes, he could've thrown it away. Or not held it where he did. But he's Rex. To do otherwise would be to expect him to sprout wings and fly or leap like a gazelle. Ain't gonna happen, y'all.
Hours earlier I saw my Red Sox lose to a junior high team again. I think there were 10 fans in the stands despite the warm weather, and 9 of them were Red Sox fans.
Have I mentioned I hate this weather we're having in central Maryland? It's like living in a swamp. I believe that I should never have to perspire in late September when it's only 75 degrees outside. I refuse to turn on my air-conditioner because that's how the aliens will find you. There must be a mother-ship hovering over the East Coast that is forcing all of this humidity here, they want me to give in but I won't.
Today I must wait around while my van's tires are replaced. This is depressing. Sitting around your local Wal-Mart waiting for the Tire and Auto folks to be done with your car is awful. Blah.
There's a crick in my neck, and a bunion on my toe. My digestion isn't quite right and I don't like prunes. It looks like it might rain. I have a headache in my eye, my dog smells funny, and someone is stealing my money. And the Redskins lost.
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