So it's Monday night and I have magnanimously decided to ignore the snoozefest that is gonna be the Colts-Buccaneers game. Yawn. I know! I'll write something on my blog instead, it's brilliant!
I've been a little under the weather and had to run to see my doctor today and that afforded me about an hour of driving which meant sports talk. Apparently, even when they win, the Shanahans are ridiculed and second-guessed. Also, Messr. Romo is yet again a pariah instead of hero...and the Eagles o-line sucks. I didn't know this, but I did after listening to el radio.
I watched the Redskin victory over the Rams with feigned interest. At 17-0 I was falling asleep, and feeling sorry for those St. Louis (to me, they're still LA) fans they kept showing on TV. "awww, poor folks, their team sucks." This makes me a weak-ass Redskin fan, I may have a good heart but it's dumb. And then the Rams crept back into the game and I'm tearing 2 of my last three hairs outta my scalp (it's ok, I've got plenty to spare on my back). Rex sucked. His pass protection sucked. Ryan Torain didn't. The difference was a pretty competent-looking defense...thanks to whoever had the idea to sign Barry Cofield, Stephen Bowen, and Ryan Kerrigan. Whew!
Oh, and if you watched the game you heard that Laron Landry was out at the start of the 3rd quarter. The crack reporting team at 980 AM (sports talk) hears that Landry had to take a dump. Hard-hitting journalism....it was a moving account. Moving.....get it? Ah, shut up.
After the win I was off to look for some curtain-related stuff I cared very little about. Thanks to the inventor of the iphone I was watching the Dallas Cowboys give away a big lead to Detroit. I only found out later that the giveaway was literal - boy did Romo suck in the second half of that game. Someone wrote in the Washington Post today that the Lions look pretty good and that he'd have to re-schedule his Thanksgiving afternoon nap....I'm with him, those Lions might be worth a look. I also noticed that the Eagles melted down against an inferior San Francisco team.....heh. So, I inhaled deeply the scents of schadenfreude. Delicious.
Now, a reasonable person will read this and think "Jesus, that's all this guy does....watch football and talk about watching football...what a waste of flesh and bone." And that person would be right, except not. My weekend started with Friday evening hockey practice that ended after 8pm, then a 6am wakeup on Saturday and Sunday for hockey PLUS the added requirement of waiting for my eldest to get home from her marching band competition at...oh....about 1:30 am Sunday morning. When I got up Sunday morning to take my son to his hockey game I was running on 3 cups of coffee and about 4 hours of sleep. And I made marinara sauce while watching the games.
The point, ergo, is that I may indeed be useless but I serve a purpose. Whatever that means.
Hey! Didya hear? Hank Jr. called our President and Vice President "the enemy." And compared him to a certain Mr. Hitler. Nice job......"are you ready? I said, get ready.......are you ready for a jackass?" There's a guy who should stick to his day job. I'm convinced Fox Propaganda put him on hoping he'd say something exactly that crazy. Mission accomplished.
Here's a random thought: has anyone ever heard Mr. Obama take direct credit for the killing of Usama Bin-Laden or any of the other terrorists our military has erased over his term? I have not, and yet there's this weird "cottage industry" of people proclaiming that he deserves exactly ZERO credit for "making the world and the U.S. safer." Well, I doubt that killing these guys makes any of us safer - first of all. But I find it odd that these "advocates of the armed forces" are setting up this straw man only to knock it down. It's a heaping pile of bullshit baloney, I guess no one's forced to eat it though.
Remember folks, always practice your defensive driving.....
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