I'm on record - 100 times over - stating my love of the Redskins and to a lesser extent the Patriots. Pedantry is an art I've perfected. Call me Captain Obvious but if you didn't know, now ya do.
The Pats didn't really let me down too hard in 2008 when the perfect season ended imperfectly. I mean, Tyree made an amazing catch and Brady had those 3 rings- I figured they'd be back fast enough even with the loss.
Wow. I was wrong. The '08-'09 season saw Tommy Brady lost to injury. The '09-'10 season ended with a Raven butt-kicking in Foxboro. Last season with an ugly Jets-delivered whooping.
You only get so many shots, everyone knows it. Or you learn it pretty fast.
With that in mind, one has to assume that the Patriots are feeling the pressure in Sunday's game. They might not get a better shot. Brady's 34-years old, Belichick's defensive gameplanning looks weaker every year, and his draft classes haven't been huge. Baltimore? They have a couple great vets who might leave the game soon but they're on solid footing (sorry, Browns fans) and should be setting up for an extended run of greatness.....maybe. It's pretty clear that Flacco could be great or just serviceable, Ray Rice is smallish for his position....Raven fans hate Cam Cameron (a two-name guy, you can't trust the two-named folks).
The heat's on Brady, this is probably one of his last chances to tie Joe Montana with 4-Super Bowl title. Too bad the Pats defense isn't better. I've gotta believe that Baltimore wins this game, if just barely, proving the old maxim is still (a little) true: defense wins championships.
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