[are you like me? Are you absolutely sick to death of people punctuating their every utterance with the word "right?" "Milk is good for you, right?" "I know, right?"]
A season that started on a warm Thursday night and saw the Saints and Packers engage in a shootout is going to end with those two offensive juggernauts (look at the points scored and yardage, it's staggering) seated on their collective couches sipping.....whatever it is millionaires sip whilst watching football. Wow.
I figured that the Saints and Packers were the class of the final 8 teams. I judged Houston to be an also-ran who was lucky that the Colts were Manning-less this year. I also thought Denver had a shot to knock off a bad Patriot defense that couldn't stop the 1982 Redskins....in their present elderly condition.
[here's my confession: I watched about a half of each game. My kids had hockey, I had family in town, excuses excuses]
But I saw the best parts!
By the time I caught up to the goings-on in San Fran, I was surprised to see the Niners up by about 17. I was not surprised to see the Saints slug their way back into it. The last 2 minutes of that game were really something to see, I think the folks in the stands were as shocked as anyone - did we really just see Alex Smith hit Vernon Davis?? Did we win?
I love the Patriots but have hated watching their horrible defense fold, over and over again. No one will confuse the Broncos current offense with their 1998 team (Elway and Terrell Davis), but I figured they'd be competent. Luckily for New England fans like me, they weren't, this was not a great game to watch if you're the kind of person that doesn't like to watch their cat eating mice or chipmunks ("YEAH! Ya got him, Fluffy! Bite his head off! Eat his entrails!")
The Ravens could be the last juggernaut standing....but they aren't. Somehow they seem to suck despite having a great defense and supposedly great quarterback. I know they've tried to find receivers for Joe the Quarterback (maybe that's his problem? He's just "Joe"). For some reason I can't fathom, the Ravens have a pretty good runner named Rice that they won't give the ball to 30 times a game. It's like they're trying to outsmart even themselves. In another era, say...the 1980's and '90s....Rice would be in the middle of a HOF career. Instead, he's an afterthought. Houston made this a ballgame, I was shocked when I wandered up to the ice rink's TV and saw that it was a close game.
The better team won, and they're all blabbering about how a win is a win and yap yap yap. Stop. Just....stop. You're not Redskin fans, you're not permitted to indulge in illusions and/or delusions. Look, you bunch of purple eyesores...some melon-head guy named TJ Yates almost beat you. Put it this way: they play like they did yesterday against New England and they'll be sitting on the couch with.....
The Packers. Probably the biggest shocker of the weekend was the home loss and the disappearance of that guy Rodgers. The best QB in the league played a little like Rex Grossman. EXCEPT HE's NOT REX GROSSMAN. I kept waiting for him to single-handedly carry his team, but his receivers kept alligator-arming his passes or simply fumbling the ball away. Give credit to the (0-2 vs the Redskins) Giants, they punched the Pack in the mouth (a lot like they did with Brady and Co. a few years ago) and the Pack got weak in the knees. Shameful, for the defending champs.
I won't bother picking a winner. I'm pulling for the Patriots so I'm biased. Happy for the 49er fans.....see what happens Sunday.
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