So Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, was chosen to be on "Dancing with the Stars." I don't watch it, but I tuned in yesterday evening because: 1) I'd read some articles in the papers that seemed overly nasty in tone; and 2) there was nothing else on TV.
The "journalists" who were "reporting" on the TV show seem to all feel that there's a "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" afoot to vote lil' old Bristol into the finals of this show to be the winner. Apparently (and I'm too lazy to do the research and have a self-imposed time limitation I'm up against) there are organizations out there that are trying to manipulate the voting.
And Bristol, poor thing, is a little awkward on the dance floor. I feel for her, I have 17 left feet. Plus, she's at an awkward stage, not a girl and not quite a woman (but a well-publicized mom). She's certainly not the standard Hollywood Hot Waif. I don't know if she enjoys the spotlight all that much, she doesn't say a whole heck of a lot. Of course, being the first-born of She Who Controls All Media These Days helped her enormously. I gotta believe that there is a segment of the populace who votes desperately and repeatedly in order to support Their Gal, you betcha.
But, that doesn't mean there's a Conspiracy or anything so insidious. Complete rubbish. Even if there is, SO FRIGGIN' WHAT, IT'S A TV SHOW. Let them have their fun on TV, and stay the hell away from the White House.
So, to sum up: leave the kid alone and quit being so mean to her, you bitter and angry TV "reporters." Everyone else, go fart in a bathtub for all I care (it makes a cool noise). The stupid show's absolutely unwatchable.
3 minutes over. Apologies.
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