Old Donnie Mac can really run a two-minute offense, huh? The preceding 58 minutes....well, they'll work on it.
Oh no, it was indeed Gano.
Like I said last week, I've about checked out for this 2010 Redskins team. I'll be pulling for them to beat Dallas next Sunday, but won't care either way. I wish the guys in Ashburn would simply say "we're rebuilding" and get on with the process of getting younger and better.
Also got to see the Patriots...wow. More on the NFL stuff tomorrow, after I see how my weekly picks went.
I spent the weekend doing a great many things. We prettied up the house to have our annual Christmas party for our families on Saturday evening. I had to get up early Saturday to run our son to his Squirt hockey game and helped coach them to a 2-1 loss. Dammit. Then drive to work and sell many Xmas trees in the cold. Work 7 hours and run home to spread my own special brand of holiday cheer and then promptly lapse into a coma. Awaken at 5 am Sunday to.....take our son to another hockey game that started at 7 am - with an hour long drive to the rink. Where we lost 9-0. Then run back to work.....where it starts raining and the temps outdoors plummet....(gets better and better). The rain keeps all sensible patronage away, so I leave the cold and rain behind about 2pm and hear on my radio that the Skins are doing OK...until I get home to watch them and they also....plummet. The Capitals lost 7-0 last night....my dog died overnight....wife left a note on her pillow for me......it's like a country song.
Ok, so I embellished the last few portions of my long list of complaints. And I left out the part where I attended mass with my eldest child, which was nice (no squirming bellowing 4 year-old).
How 'bout that Julian Assange? Really puts the "ass" in "assange", huh? I'm all for investigative reporting and exposing the truth, but wikileaks seems to be less about truth-finding than simply embarrassing people. My take on the guy is that he's a glory-seeking publicity hog. His organization could do some good in the world, but I don't think that's their goal.
Later this week I'm posting my Xmas best/worst, stay tuned kids!
Got a copy of Kanye West's latest record (I still call them records, piss off) "My Beautiful Dark.....something something Fantasy". Good record. I don't typically listen to much of what the kids call hip-hop, it tends to be a laundry list of bragging and materialism (a bit like the old metal bands of the 80's, ironically). But (I'll call him what George W. Bush called him) Conway West's latest shows some vulnerability, some humanity behind the bling and bullshit. Still gotta pick up the Cee-Lo Green record later this week. I lead an exciting life, no?
No. I don't. At least I'm self-aware. I'd also recommend You Never Give me Your Money: The Beatles After the Breakup, a book I finished last week. Most Beatlemaniacs probably know all the stories in the book, that primarily detail the post-breakup lawsuits and business dealings of the Fab Four. I was unaware, so I found it an interesting read. From there, I'm delving into Keith Richards' Life. I do these things in phases. One year it was Moby Dick and the whaling industry, this year it's rock stars.
Another day in paradise, thanks Lord. No, I'm not being sarcastic. Jack's making me watch the dreadful movie "Land Before Time" (animated dinosaurs) and I'm typing away, straining to make sense on a blank page. Perhaps it's coherent, perhaps not. Screw y'all, it's free.
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