Yeah, I'm using all that statutory construction crap they forced upon us in law school. If you're slow to learn, Week 1 subsection (a) would've been the Thursday night game, yesterday was (b), and so forth.
A couple years ago I was diagnosed with severe allergies to all kinds of stuff. Dogs (I have 2), molds, some grasses, and - best of all - house dust. Explain to me, exactly, how one avoids dust.
Why is this relevant? I've spent nearly 10 days fighting off some kind of cold/viral thing that has bloomed into some kind of an infection. This allowed me plenty of couch time yesterday to watch football.
Only gonna blog on the games I actually watched, and even then I won't be particularly compelling. Saw the Pats-Bengals game and I think Tom Brady's putting some good heat on his passes. He looks far better than he did a year ago, and it was cool to see Welker back in action at full speed after his scary injury. The Patriot D looked serviceable until late in the game when the Bengals made a decent comeback run that fell short. But, by then, the game was pretty damned close to out of reach.
The Bengals.....what the hell? Good QB and receivers. Decent runner. I don't get all the offensive futility. As for the Cincinnati D, what gives? These guys play in the AFC North with the Rapists and Ravens...they'd better get their crap together.
Speaking of the Pittsburgh Rapists, I got to see the end of the game vs. Atlanta....lucky break in OT. Karma's a bitch, you'll see. Who wants their Fathead?
Clocked some time with Philly-Green Bay, ugh. Not a good first half to watch. So, I switched to "Out of Africa" which was a great book but only an OK movie when compared to the book (Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, and the Ngong Hills....I'm not gay). The second half was exciting, Aaron Rogers showed up and played a decent half, Mike Vick was accused of mistreating Philadelphia fans by dangling a win in front of them....and then screwed the pooch by being Michael Vick. Woof woof.
Carol made these great grilled cheese sandwiches and served up the tomato soup I'd brewed up from all the tomatoes in our garden (I make pretty good tomato soup).
Then it was time for the Main Event....
I dig "Football Night in America." Pretty good hour plus of highlights and analysis, and I'm glad they've pared down the on-air crew. I like Bob Costas, sue me. In that hour, I saw how the Lions wuz rooooobbbbbed. That was a catch. I like how Tony Dungy illustrated this by way of a replay from last season's Super Bowl, where a 2-point conversion was deemed a catch. Poor Detroit.
THIS is why I'm a crappy fan. Sympathy. I love the Patriots and was cheering them on during the earlier game vs. Cincinnati....but at some point I was watching the Bengals struggle and I thought "Oh, those poor Bengal fans...think about it, little Billy or Bettie hoping beyond all reason that their Bengals will win this game...."
Is that weakness? I suppose it's pathetic. I won't apologize for not being The Tin Man. I gots a heart.
Likewise, I felt for Detroit fans. That call sucked. And Stafford was knocked out. Damn.
SO, Skins-Cowgirls with the great McNabb-Tony Homo faceoff. Man, the Cowboys started that game running well and Miles Austin is pretty damned good at receiver. Collinsworth is gushing about Austin's lower body strength whilst the NBC cameras are focusing----pruriently I must point out-----on the man's ass. I'm not a marketing guy and have no expertise in the matter, but I doubt the NFL's main demographic is "men who enjoy looking at another man's strong lower body while hearing a former NFL athlete wax euphoric over the look of aforementioned athlete's lower body."
Look, I don't know Collinsworth from Cornwallis, but this isn't the first time he's gushed like this on national TV. It's weird, OK? Yeah, Miles Austin is strong. I'm pretty sure of this. And he fills out his spandex waaaay better than me. I'm cool with this, too - I suffer few delusions. But I found that verbal digression weird, bordering on bizarre.
Are you like me? Do you laugh out loud when they talk about "running up the a-hole?" Funny, right?
Back to the game. The new Redskins Offense was up against a very good Dallas D, and they performed fairly poor. BUT, zero turnovers...a point worth noting. Dallas usually beats the Skins in these weird games, and this time it looked no different. When Hall returned the fumble for a TD at the half I allowed myself a glimmer...which faded after the 2 missed TD catches and the missed FG. It was like...."DEFLATE BALLOON, GET READY FOR NEXT YEAR, BOB."
The skins D played well, however. Even so...why did Dallas abandon the run? It was kind of working for them. More weirdness.
Of course, we all know the result... Oh, happy day, mighty Dallas fell. They won't be 19-0 this season. No surprises there, I guess. But what's this? Sympathy for the devil? I actually felt bad...Romo made that throw to Williams..felt bad for Barron, who was being picked on, poor dude (I've had worse days)...... the refs won that game for ole DC.
It was exactly the kind of game the Redskins have been finding ways to lose for 17 seasons. Yeah, I'm realistic...Dallas should've won. But, I'm a fan, Hail to the Redskins!
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