In a blog without any real purpose or mission-statement I'm free to write whatever I want. Today, I've decided to write more words than I need to in order to help fill up the Internet. They tell us that the Internet has a finite amount of space, and my new mission in life is to fill it with as much stupid prattling as I can.
Anyone else sick of it, already?
It would be one thing if these differences were truly substantive, but here in Maryland it's not. Gov. O' Malley (D) and Mr. Ehrlich (R) are really not all that far apart on the BIG issues. This is mostly because Mr. Ehrlich is a reasonable, rational former Congressman who is not a yelling screaming slavering tea-party type. In fact, the esteemed and/or derided Mrs. Palin endorsed some guy who can't get his ads on TV at all. The big bitch here in Maryland? Ehrlich was governor when our energy company (BGE) hiked up our electric rates..... which is an unfair criticism of his governorship since the rate hikes were a legislative mechanism and had nothing to do with the governor's office.
Still, I guess he's a Republican and it helps the O'Malley folks tar him as in bed with big business - the great Democratic bugaboo.
In reply, Ehrlich tags O'Malley as a "tax-and-spend" liberal. Again, same old bugaboo. The true believers are breathlessly awaiting Election Day....but for me it's a choice between 1(a) and 1(b) - I don't see a whole hell of alot of difference.
Do you identify as a Democrat, or Republican? I registered Democrat so I could vote in the primary (I'm well aware I'm repeating myself), but have no strong ties to the PARTY. I can't imagine why anyone would. There's been much written and said about the partisanship and anger we've seen since the Inauguration in January 2009 (and before that, obviously), but I truly do not understand it.
Why the bitter divisions? Why does one man look across the aisle at his counterpart and see it as a battle of "us and them," of "good guys and bad guys?" I've heard it said far far too much, that we're Americans first and Democrats and Republicans second...but why does no one act like one walks that walk?
Is it simply the easier thing to do? Instead of seeking to understand "the other" it's easier to simply lock horns and try to shove the other out of our way or shout them down? Is it easier for Christians to simply see all Muslims as "bad" and all Christians as "good" - even when we know that to be an impossibly simplistic belief?
Yeah, that's probably some of it.
Or this:
Where did our corporate leaders go? Sure, name a few...Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, the Ford family....the Hersheys in Pennsylvania, or Carnegie. VERY FEW Where have their ilk gone? America, built on private enterprise in tandem with good governance, seriously lacks men (or women) who are willing to use their wealth to lead. Philanthropy by the truly wealthy, always lacking in tough times, can shine a light that government operations cannot. Governments don't inspire, people do. Our larger corporations continue the practice of outsourcing, essentially telling Americans who used to look to those businesses for jobs that they're worthless, used up. Replaceable.
I think one other reason, amongst many, is that these divisions are profitable. Thanks to our Supreme Court's ruling this year, money can be funnelled into our political system unfettered by disclosures and limitations. John McCain and Russ Feingold's system (that resulted in McCain's defeat, I'll point out) was destroyed in favor of....well, we'll see...who knows what our "system" of politics will look like in a few years.
That aside, "news" organizations like Fox and MSNBC make cash on the influence-peddling of talking heads who - while they polarize some - attract viewers like flies to sh*t. You watch to see what outrage is being perpetrated by "them" against "us."
There are good ones. I happen to like reading EJ Dionne, Kathleen Parker (I might have a crush on her), and Michael Gerson. Yes, they have their POV, but they also think and express themselves as thoughtful. Not in extremes, or in vitriol, but through the exercise of their reason. I might agree or disagree, depending on what they're writing about. But at least I can disagree thoughtfully.
In its' final analysis, I suppose it's simply all about gaining or re-gaining power - and the players will use any means at their disposal to get it.
And, well, I just can't take the anger anymore. Makes me want to put my forehead down on the table and breathe very slowly. I don't understand it. I can freely admit that I'm no paragon of virtue: I've shouted people down and name-called before. I can regret my behavior and apologize, and try to live better as I walk on. I'm no preacher, I won't convert anyone to seeing things my way. No one listens anyway.
But if I could impart anything it'd be this: love everybody; listen to their voices and understand the words and thoughts behind them, whether you agree or not; vote your conscience; and - above all - God gave you gray matter for a purpose - THINK.
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