I've been sick this week, and that allowed me some time to write earlier in the week but as the illness (another sinus infection) worsened I just lost the energy.
Now, thanks to modern medicine, I'm feelin' much perkier. Thanks.
Hey Ardell, why don't you "follow" this thing? Yes, that is a shameless request for followers. If the E.G. can figure out how to be a follower.....I mean, c'mon.
(of course, I hear it's a pain in the butt to set up the google account thingie, and honestly- if this is the payoff for all of that effort- I get it.)
But, again, c'mon....I want/need/crave followers. My enormous but fragile male ego demands it (and that ego is a harsh mistress). OK, I'll buy my next 10 followers new cars. There.
Hell, my blog's as good as anyone else's. Except that it lacks a defined point-of-view, is not updated regularly, and is not about anything in particular. Clearly, a job in sales is not a good next career choice for me.
In no order - ALL OVER THE PLACE -just as they pop into my drug-addled mind:
Ines Sains: like I said, nothing to see here. This has been much-discussed and expounded upon, without any real "evidence" to suggest that much happened. Of course, my pal Clinton Portis went and opened his mouth (Albert Haynesworth helpfully taped it shut). I'm not sure that Mrs. Sainz (apparently married with kids) walks into locker rooms "wanting" the fellas therein. I think she was doing her job. Do I think she presents herself professionally? Nope. But she's got a right to dress how she likes so long as it's cool with her employer. I guess it is.
The Pope: Il Papa Benedict is a brave man. Going to Anglican soil when you are a celebrated Pope as John Paul II was is one thing. Going in the midst of a real crisis in the worldwide Catholic church is quite another. The most powerful leaders are not celebrities, they are examples. Benedict is showing how one seeks forgiveness in this world. Not by hiding in a guarded temple or an ivory tower, but by carrying the church's cross in the streets. His courageous humility is inspiring. When a person has committed a sin -a wrong- against another, the call is to admit the sin and atone. Not hide. This is not an easy thing to do, apologies are difficult, and sometimes impossible.
No, this does not excuse the behavior of the malfeasors or their Church apologists and enablers. It does not take away the pain and humiliation suffered by the abused. Nothing could - not all the money in the world - and the Church has alot.
But, through this act, I hope and pray that the Church's message of forgiveness and love are once again elevated. One of the best hymns sung in my church, the one that carries a positive, uplifting message, says in part that "we are the light of the world, may our light shine before all, that they may see the good that we do and bring glory to God." It's about leading by setting a good example, not screaming at everyone that they're misbehaving.
Anyway, back to Il Papa. It is a step, I suppose. Perhaps an important one. No, I didn't have to google the verse...buttheads.
Illnesses: I don't like them.
My wife: Love this lady. Helped nurse me back to health and kept our little household afloat while I was getting better. Thanks, Carol, ya make me very, very happy.
Hockey: Ice hockey practices begin tonight and I've blundered in to being an assistant coach. Our eldest is a decent - if lazy - player. Gotta whoop that boy into skating shape. There go Monday and Friday nights...where's my whistle?
Baseball: Dodgers and Red Sox pretty much dead. O's and Nats have been dead since...May, I think. See ya in 2011. I'll watch more come playoff time.
Fantasy Football: I'm awful. Ranked 12th in a 12-player league. I have Favre and Flacco (oh, yeah, great weeks) and then had Ryan Grant (done for the season, dammit). So I replace Grant with Cadillac Williams.....ugh. Ray Rice? Not so great last week but the Ravens and Jets won't see each other again. Miles Austin was fine, I got sneaky and thought Josh Cribbs would blow up (FAIL). I've got Dallas and Baltimore on D, which I'm happy with. Overall.....Sucktastic.
VMA's: we watched these on the DVR last night. The host, Chelsea Handler, sucked. She did Bob Hope schtick with...ooooohhh... some edgy words thrown in. You can say vagina? Wow! I was so, like, shocked. Yawn. Lots of Gaga. I'll muse on Gaga another blog, but she should stick to the singing and not the talking. There were lots of staged "outrageous" moments.....at some point one realizes that he/she is no longer in MTV's demographic.. and I guess this is Exhibit Z2 in the list of exhibits. They sucked.
Sons of Anarchy: umm, getting kind of whiny and mopey, Jax. More ass-kicking, less existentialism-lite.
Football picks: I wanna do this, and it's my blog so I can. I have no expertise at all, and no track record. Still, those dopes on TV know as much as I do. I won't offer much reasoning, it's like a high-functioning primate picking games based on helmet colors....
Arizona - Atlanta : Falcons, Pittsburgh got lucky last week.
KC- Cleveland: Chiefs. Since Cribbs is on my fantasy team, kiss o' death
Baltimore-Cincinnati: until the Bengals get going, Ravens. That offense is more potent than what was seen Monday night. Still, they wear purple, and one of Baltimore's favorite sons is John Waters, who once filmed a man - dressed as a woman- eating dog poop. Maybe that's where the purple comes from. Still, even though this one's in Cincy....Ravens.
Chicago-Dallas: Two decent-to-good defenses. Cowboys at home with more offensive weapons...they would've beaten the 'Skins had they run the ball more (and if their O-line could block instead of clothesline).....Dallas.
Philly-Detroit: Lions. My upset. Lions were jobbed last week. This week, at home, I think it's a really close win for Detroit.
Buffalo-Green Bay: Aaron Rogers.
Pittsburgh-Tennessee: Titans at home.
Miami-Minnesota: Favre.
Tampa-Carolina: Bucs. Long season for the Panthers.
Seattle-Denver: Seattle. Unless they were the neon greens.
St. Louis-Oakland: these cities have teams?....Oakland.
Jax-San Diego: tough. Take Bolts at home, but not by much
Patriots-NY Jets: I think the Pats want to serve up some revenge against their rivals. NY's offense was bad against the Ravens....but that's the Ravens. Patriot D needs time to grow, they're young. Jets D will do the job, but - like the Bengals - until that Jet offense gets on-track I'd favor the Pats.
Houston-Redskins: I think the Redskins win with a scheme in this game. If they try to play it straight, and not take away Andre Johnson AND stuff the run - this gets ugly. Tough order, I think Houston's likely to win, but not impossible for the Redskins.
NY Giants-Indy: Don't care. Giants.
New Orleans-San Francisco: former rivals in the old NFC West. No contest, this week. Saints.
Have a blessed weekend. I will. And no, I'm not buying anyone any cars - not even me.
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